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Decaleur Improvement Project

Posted on Mar 6, 2019 in Special Projects

I’ve been using the Rene Herse decaleur and it’s great.  The most solid, secure, and easy to use handlebar bag securing setup I’ve found.  Jan’s blog post on the limited edition ultra light Giles Berthoud handlebar bag ( inspired me to improve on the design a little.  I’ve been using a large Swift Industries handlebar bag on my personal bike and I really like it, but I realized if I integrated a frame into the bag side of the decaluer I could remove the Coroplast stiffeners from the bag and end up with a more stable setup.  As luck would have it, it’s also significantly lighter.  The new bag side decaleur made of tubular steel to fit the Rene Herse receiver ends up weighing the same as the smaller Rene Herse part made out of a heavier flat bar.  The Coroplast stiffeners in the bag added up to 180 grams so overall it’s 180 grams lighter and has significantly less wiggle.

I’ve had a few of these on the road last summer and they have proven themselves so I’ll keep offering them.  I can make them to fit pretty much any bag.  If your interested send me an e-mail,  price is $262.